Getting Started

Hello and welcome to GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community! We are excited to have you here as part of our vibrant community of AI enthusiasts and professionals.

To help you get started and make the most of your experience, here’s a quick guide:

welcome to GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community

Create Your Profile: Personalise your profile with a picture, update your bio, add your country flag, and showcase your expertise. Your complete profile should look like this.


Introduce Yourself GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community

Introduce Yourself: Join our dedicated introduction thread in the Discussion Board. Share your background, passions, and why generative AI matters to you. It’s the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals and explore collaboration opportunities.

Explore Educational Resources: Check out our Content Library under Forums to expand your knowledge with our curated selection of articles, tutorials, videos, and more on generative AI. Sharpen your skills and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.

Join groups GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community

Join groups: Join any of our community groups to access focused discussions about specific topics, connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion, and gain exposure to expand your knowledge within your area of interest.

Subscribe: You can subscribe to our forums to stay in the loop with the latest discussions, announcements, and knowledge sharing. Engage in ongoing discussions, ask questions, and share your valuable insights.

Subscribe GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community

Connect and Collaborate: Connect with other members through private messaging, profile following, or special interest groups. Build valuable connections, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations that drive innovation in generative AI.

Give Product Feedback: Your input shapes future developments and improvements. So, help us improve by dropping your feedback on the Feedback page.

Give Product Feedback GAiF Hub, Africa’s AI Community

Accumulate g€ns: You get g€ns for actively participating in our community. Soon, these can be redeemed for exciting rewards, making your journey even more rewarding. Check out these images to discover how you can gain and lose g€ns.

Dear GAiFer, we are thrilled to have you on board! We look forward to witnessing your journey and contributions within our community. Together, let’s explore the possibilities of generative AI and its role in African communities and institutions!

For member-related assistance, please contact

~GenArtiFica Team

Welcome & New Member Guide